
Showing posts from December, 2020

Power of Kamba ‘sweetness’! – See the swanky Customized Range Rover that JAMAL has gifted Faith Makau alias AMBER RAY (PHOTOs)

Thursday, 31 December 2020  – City socialite Faith Makau alias Amber Ray, has landed another wealthy man less than two years after she was dumped by the infamous gold fraudster, Zaheer Jhanda. Amber Ray confirmed that she is dating Jamal, a wealthy Somali businessman and the chairman of the Kenya matatu owners association. The Kamba socialite, who confessed that she peddles flesh and is proud of it, is cruising with a milky-white Range Rover branded Amber Ray that she was gifted by Jamal. See photos. The Kenyan DAILY POST

JAMAL thinks he can tame AMBER RAY, Once in the streets, she forever belongs to the streets(PHOTOs)

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

Notorious husband snatcher AMBER RAY confirms she is dating wealthy city businessman JAMAL (PHOTOs)

Thursday, 31 December 2020  – City socialite, Faith Makau alias Amber Ray, has confirmed that she is dating youthful city businessman Jamal RohoSafi. Amber Ray, a well-known high-end flesh peddler and husband snatcher, wished Jamal a happy birthday and showered him with praises. “The only man who fell in love with both Faith and Amber…I’m so proud and happy to have you as my Pillar and partner in crime. I know they say perfect doesn’t exist but you are more than I ever wished for. Damn! I’ve never felt so obliged to do right by someone. Happy birthday, soulmate. #prayerworks. Cc @jamal_rohosafi”, she wrote and shared romantic photos. Jamal, a Somali businessman, is among the wealthy businessmen in Eastleigh who are involved in tax evasion. He mainly deals with import business. He also owns several matatus and currently, he is the chairman of Kenya matatu owners association. Amber Ray is milking him properly after he opened his financial tap. She currently cruises with a customi

AUDIO | Linex Ft Rayvan – Waongo | Download Mp3

AUDIO | Linex Ft Rayvan – Waongo | Download Mp3 DOWNLOAD AUDIO AUDIO | Linex Ft Rayvan – Waongo | Download Mp3

Security starts with you! – Look at this LADY! (PHOTO)

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

Despite living a lavish life in the city, OWAGO NYIRO’s ‘Simba’ in the village looks like a rat’s nest (PHOTOs)

Thursday, 31 December 2020  – Famous comedian, Owago Nyiro, has left tongues wagging after he flaunted his ‘Simba’. Since there are no gigs this festive season due to the coronavirus pandemic that has dealt a major blow to entertainers, the witty comedian decided to travel upcountry to spend time with his family. Owago comes from one of the poorest areas in Nyanza. He shared photos of his ‘Simba’ on his Instagram page and noted that East or West, home is the best. Owago’s dilapidated ‘Simba’ shows how Kenyan celebrities live a lie in the city but when you visit their homes upcountry, poverty screams all over. “East or West Home is the best.Chilling in my house Simba (Lion) in shags………Pole pole ndio mwendo,” he posted and shared the photos below. The Kenyan DAILY POST

UHURU in shock as GIDEON MOI unveils a surprise candidate that may sink Jubilee’s hope of retaining Nairobi governorship – This is not what they had agreed upon

Thursday December 31, 2020  – Baringo Senator Gideon Moi has surprised his buddy, President Uhuru Kenyatta, after he decided to go it alone in the upcoming Nairobi gubernatorial by-election. This is even as it was rumored that he may support a ‘handshake’ candidate for the Nairobi seat. KANU unveiled the star of the KTN reality show  Madam President,  Betty Adera, as the party’s aspirant in the upcoming Nairobi gubernatorial by-election slotted for February 18, 2021. The reigning  Ms President  Nairobi was unveiled by the party during a conference held by the party’s leadership yesterday. Adera is expected to face off against several other contestants especially a Jubilee candidate after the ODM party pulled out of the race to back Jubilee’s candidate. KANU already has a coalition agreement with Jubilee and was widely expected to follow in ODM’s footsteps in supporting the ruling coalition’s candidate.  Adera is a multi-award-winning humanitarian both locally and internationally

EZRA CHILOBA finally lands a Government job as UHURU appoints him after years of hustling ever since he was fired from IEBC for rigging RAILA in 2017

Thursday, December 31, 2020  – Former Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Chief Executive Officer Ezra Chiloba has finally landed a lucrative government job. In a Gazette Notice dated Thursday, December 31, 2020, President Uhuru Kenyatta, through the Ministry of ICT CS, Joe Mucheru, appointed the former IEBC CEO to the board of Youth Enterprise Development Fund for a period of three years starting December 22, 2020. “In exercise of the powers conferred by paragraph 5 (2) (e) (i) of the Youth Enterprise Development Fund Order, 2007, the Cabinet Secretary for ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs appoints Ezra Chiloba to be a member of the Youth Enterprise Development Fund Board, for a period of three (3) years,” read the notice in part. The Youth Enterprise Development Fund, a state corporation under the Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs, was gazetted on December 8, 2006, before it was transformed into a State Corporation on May 11, 2007. The fund has a s

AUDIO | Trio Mio ft Kingpheezle, K4kanali, Maandy, Mastar Vk & Harry Craze – CHUBUWI CHUBUWA | Download Mp3

AUDIO | Trio Mio ft Kingpheezle, K4kanali, Maandy, Mastar Vk & Harry Craze – CHUBUWI CHUBUWA | Download Mp3 DOWNLOAD AUDIO AUDIO | Trio Mio ft Kingpheezle, K4kanali, Maandy, Mastar Vk & Harry Craze – CHUBUWI CHUBUWA | Download Mp3

Nothing to celebrate in the New Year as UHURU increases prices of airtime, internet and electricity beginning tomorrow

Thursday, December 31, 2020  – Kenyans will have to dig deeper into their pockets to support their lives in 2021 as the cost of basic commodities goes up beginning tomorrow. This is after the Value Added Tax (VAT) relief that the Government had announced in April 2020 expires, effectively increasing VAT from 14 percent to 16 percent.  In early December, the National Treasury announced that a majority of tax relief that was necessitated by the Covid-19 pandemic will cease to apply on January 1. Prices of mobile airtime and electricity will go up alongside other products such as TV subscriptions and newspapers. A 2% reduction in VAT had earned airtime users a Ksh2 reprieve on every Ksh100 airtime purchased. Safaricom home fibre subscribers are also set to lose Ksh58 on every Ksh 2,900 subscription with the figure expected to go up in higher subscription packages. Kenya Power customers are set to lose Ksh20 reprieve on every Ksh 1,000 power purchased after the reversal of the VAT c

Schools increase fees almost by 100% ahead of reopening as CS MAGOHA breathes fire – You won’t believe what he told the headteachers that have increased school fees

Thursday, December 31, 2020  – Education CS George Magoha has warned school heads against increasing school fees at will after some national public schools issued a fee structure of Ksh80,000 from the recommended Ksh53,554. Magoha warned all headteachers barring them from raising the fees to be charged per head. The schools raised the fees arguing that the money would be used to improve infrastructure, purchase sanitizers among other requirements. The issue was raised by the Kenya National Parents Association (KNPA) which claimed that some of its members had decried the increase of the tuition fee terming it frivolous. The CS directed the headteachers to stick to fee guidelines provided by the Ministry of Education. He further directed that schools should not deny students, both in primary and secondary schools, admission on the basis of fee arrears. “No child should be sent home for fees.” “We have Ksh 19 billion to facilitate free education for both primary and secondary scho

Shock as new Nyamira Governor, AMOS NYARIBO, fires all NYAGARAMA’s CECs after taking office

Thursday, December 31, 2020  – New Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo has fired all 10 County Executive Committee Members (CECs) after taking over office from the late John Nyagarama. In a statement yesterday, Nyaribo ordered all the CECs to hand over their duties and responsibilities to the County Secretary. He noted that the move was in compliance with Article 179 (7) of the Constitution of Kenya. “If a vacancy arises in the office of the county governor, the members of the county executive committee appointed under clause (2) (b) cease to hold office,” states part of the constitution. The move comes after Nyaribo was sworn-in as the second Nyamira County Governor on Tuesday, December 29, taking over office from the late John Nyagarama, who succumbed to Covid-19 earlier this month. During his inauguration speech, Nyaribo vowed to crack the whip on any public officer misusing funds.  “We have been losing public money by paying for incomplete and ghost development projects.” “Corrup

AHMEDNASIR reveals why RAILA ODINGA’s ODM bolted out of the Nairobi gubernatorial by-election race

Thursday, December 31, 2020  – Renowned Nairobi lawyer, Ahmednasir Abdullahi, has revealed the reason why the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party pulled out of the Nairobi gubernatorial by-election race. ODM chairman, John Mbadi, on Wednesday said the Raila Odinga-led party will not present a candidate but will endorse the one nominated by President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee Party. Mbadi, who is also the Minority Leader in the National Assembly, said ODM will back Jubilee in the spirit of the handshake, noting the impeached governor Mike Sonko belonged to the ruling party. Commenting on social media after ODM made the announcement, Ahmednasir said the Orange party bolted out of the Nairobi race to avoid another defeat as witnessed in the Msambweni by-election. During the Msambweni mini- poll early this month, ODM candidate Omar Boga was defeated by Independent candidate, Feisal Bader. “ STUNNING that ODM isn’t contesting the vacant Nairobi Governor seat…STUNNING! Obviously, Msa

ODM supporters fault RAILA ODINGA for withdrawing from Nairobi Gubernatorial race – We will not support UHURU‘s candidate DENNIS WAWERU

Thursday, December 31, 2020 –  A good number of Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leaders and supporters have faulted the move by the party to withdraw from the Nairobi gubernatorial by-election. ODM chairman, John Mbadi, on Wednesday said the Raila Odinga-led party will not field a candidate but will endorse the one nominated by President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee Party. Mbadi, who is also the Minority Leader in the National Assembly, said ODM will back Jubilee in the spirit of the handshake, noting the impeached governor Mike Sonko belonged to the ruling party. However, some ODM diehard supporters led by Party Youth leader, Wakili Ochieng, protested the move and vowed not to support Uhuru’s candidate in the mini-poll slated for February 18, 2021. Ochieng said Nairobi was an ODM stronghold and it was ridiculous not to present a candidate to make the ruling party feel important. “It’s grotesque and ridiculous that ODM won’t field a candidate in the Nairobi gubernatorial by-election

KABOGO predicts who will win the Nairobi Gubernatorial race – MIGUNA MIGUNA has no chance!

Thursday, December 31, 2020 –  Former Kiambu County Governor, William Kabogo, has predicted the party that will win the upcoming Nairobi Gubernatorial by-election. The Nairobi seat fell vacant early this month following the impeachment of Governor Mike Sonko Sonko was impeached by MCAs over what they termed as gross misconduct and abuse of office. Jubilee Party has fielded Dennis Waweru as its candidate and Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has announced that it will not field a candidate but will instead support Waweru, who has the support of President Uhuru Kenyatta and Orange Party leader, Raila Odinga.  Waweru belongs to the  Kieleweke  faction of the Jubilee Party. Tanga Tanga  faction which is another group in Jubilee is yet to settle on the candidate but it is just a matter of time before it announces its candidate. Thirdway Alliance Party has fielded lawyer Miguna Miguna as its candidate Commenting on social media on Wednesday, Kabogo said the Nairobi seat will be

Did Ventilators donated by World Bank go missing at KEMSA? – Here is the painful truth

Thursday, December 31, 2020  – Kenya Medical Supplies Agency (KEMSA) has reacted to a story in one of the local dailies that claimed ventilators donated by the World Bank have mysteriously disappeared. The local daily reported on Wednesday that the state-run firm was unable to trace the ventilators donated four months ago. But in a statement, KEMSA said the two ventilators were collected from its Embakasi Supply Chain Centre on December 22 by the Migori county chief officer for health Dr. Dalmas Oyugi. “Kemsa received the distribution list of the ventilators from Afya House on November 19 and released the two ventilators to Migori County as per the distribution list,” the agency said. “Early this year, Migori County also received two Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines as part of government donations. We wish to assure the residents of Migori of our commitment to supply health products and technologies that are of high quality, safe and cost-effective.” The Kenyan

Big WIN for RUTO as Nandi Hills MP ALFRED KETER endorses his 2022 presidential bid

Thursday, December 31, 2020  – Deputy President William Ruto has received a huge boost in his presidential bid in 2022 after Nandi Hills MP, Alfred Keter, endorsed his bid. Speaking on Wednesday, Keter, who was among Rift Valley MPs opposed to Ruto’s bid, said he has finally seen the light and he will now preach the gospel of the DP until 2022. The outspoken MP also said he had been quiet because he was saving his energies for Ruto’s presidential campaigns. For the last 3 years, Keter together with Cherangany MP, Joshua Kutuny, have been warning Kenyans against electing Ruto as President in 2022. “Juzi alinipigia simu akaniuliza; sasa wewe naona unaanza kukoroga mambo na mimi naomba kura 2022 (He recently called me and told me; you are messing things up and you are aware I am seeking votes come 2022),” Keter was quoted saying about the DP. The Kenyan DAILY POST

VIDEO | Darassa ft Alikiba – Proud of You | Download MP4

DOWNLOAD VIDEO VIDEO | Darassa ft Alikiba – Proud of You | Download MP4

My mother-in-law and my sisters-in-law hated so much and wanted my husband to leave me but this is what I did

My name is Joy one year ago, I got married to my husband, Juma in a very beautiful wedding. Juma and I were so in love with each other. We had known each other for five years and we therefore decided to get married after a period of dating. However, our wedding preparations were marred by opposition from Juma’s family since they were all against him marrying a woman who was not of their tribe. His mother had blatantly said she did not want me in her family and his three sisters were even worse since they would call me and warn me not to marry their brother since they would make my life a living hell. Juma loved me and he insisted that we would get married despite his family’s opposition. He assured me that all that mattered was our love for each other. Honestly, I was really scared to marry him because I knew I was signing up for a very tough life. His family even refused to pay my dowry, insisting that they had not approved our marriage. We however proceeded with the wedding and