Big WIN for RUTO as Nandi Hills MP ALFRED KETER endorses his 2022 presidential bid

Thursday, December 31, 2020 – Deputy President William Ruto has received a huge boost in his presidential bid in 2022 after Nandi Hills MP, Alfred Keter, endorsed his bid.

Speaking on Wednesday, Keter, who was among Rift Valley MPs opposed to Ruto’s bid, said he has finally seen the light and he will now preach the gospel of the DP until 2022.

The outspoken MP also said he had been quiet because he was saving his energies for Ruto’s presidential campaigns.

For the last 3 years, Keter together with Cherangany MP, Joshua Kutuny, have been warning Kenyans against electing Ruto as President in 2022.

“Juzi alinipigia simu akaniuliza; sasa wewe naona unaanza kukoroga mambo na mimi naomba kura 2022 (He recently called me and told me; you are messing things up and you are aware I am seeking votes come 2022),” Keter was quoted saying about the DP.



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